In the winter, for me at least; I am not photographing people as much as the warmer months. So this is a great way to expand my artistic vision and really shoot for Me...and I've been loving it!
I just found this a few weeks ago, so I missed the first 5 weeks. But never too late right? If I can find the time I might even do the weeks I missed. Yeah I'm a geek like that =D
I really enjoyed looking around my surroundings and finding the objects to photograph. I decided to use my Macro lens because I love how it can focus up sooo close and make photos sooo creamy.
So I will be posting each weeks entry from me here on the blog. Hope you enjoy!
week 6 - hue . greens . texture . piney

week 7 - hue . blue . texture . nubby

week 8 - hue . yellow . texture (unlimited)